Now I become myself. It's taken time, many years and places...

 - May Sarton


i've been in good company (part 1)

  Above are some of the comforts found at the Your Story Be Present retreat. Here I was blessed to meet creative spirits who will forever hold a special place in my heart. As a bonus I got to room with my dear friend Martha too. 

Liz is amazing at creating a nurturing space for soulful gatherings and the Oregon coast provides the most beautiful backdrop for this kind of unique experience. Many thanks to mentors Kelly Barton, Ali Edwards and Meredith Winn.

And guess what else? There was a beach filled with limitless sand dollars to collect while walking in the gentle rain.


My heart is filled with gratitude.

* togetherness candle by Zena Moon.




For so long you believed you were lost,

little did you know 

the chimneyed possibilities

beneath your battered torments.

Sometimes it takes the stillness 

of bare feet in the fogbound grass,

the sensation of the small of your back

pressed against the trunk of a coastal pine,

or the purpling rhododendron

to fully acknowledge

what is true:

you were only dismantling

the fraudulent symmetry 

of the ordinary and expected

to hear the jangled arias

of your own composure.


scarf, quilt (and nap) in progress




Here are the photos of the gorgeous scarf my cousin Michelle started while she was here, along with some shots of a few of my quilt blocks and a sweet sleepy dog.  

Tomorrow I am headed to the Oregon coast for Liz's Your Story retreat and am so very excited about it! Her gatherings have a special place in my heart and are nothing short of magical. Oh, and a little heads up... registration is now open for this one in the fall.

How about you, what are you most excited about these days?


hello again

Hello! I stepped away for the computer for a few days while my lovely cousin Michelle came to visit. She was kind enough to help me begin my quilt (I am still in quilt block cutting mode) and I taught her to knit. Pictures to come of both our projects. The above photo was taken at a favorite neighborhood cafe where they have the most wonderful lemongrass chamomile tea. There is also an equally wonderful non-dairy rose saffron ice cream with pistachios, which apparently disappeared before I remembered to get the camera out... 

I hope your summer days have been filled with sweetness and laughter.



Today Bud returned from his morning surf bearing gifts: two bits of sea glass and monarch wings he spotted on the walk home. I was ecstatic! Sea glass is one of my favorite surprises and I don't seem to spot it very often. And the butterfly wings, well... just tell me who doesn't love those? (I hope she traveled far and wide, gliding along the ocean breeze and feasting on all the sweetest nectars.)

All good things are wild and free.

- Thoreau